Clomid per stimolare ovulation

Clomid - is a synthetic drug that prevents the effects of estrogen on the brain. The result is that the brain strengthens the stimulation of the ovaries, which in turn increases estrogen and the likelihood of ovulation. There are two brands of clomiphene: Merrell-Dow's Clomid product and Serophene, Serono manufacturer. These drugs are medical analogues, although Serophene costs less. There are also some generic (generic forms) Clomid, which cost less. Buy Clomid low price in Italy.  techqueer

Why do they use Clomid?

Clomid is mainly used to stimulate ovulation. Many women who are not ovulating with the help of Clomid can start ovulating.  digitalknowledgetoday


Can women who have natural ovulation use Clomid?

Clomid can be given to women who have natural ovulation, to increase the chances of getting pregnant.


Can Clomid Reduce Fertility?

The anti-estrogenic effects of Clomid can cause thickening of the cervical mucus. This can, in turn, complicate the advancement of the sperm to the egg. Treatment may include artificial (vaginal) insemination, and in rare cases external control, influence on the level of estrogen.  healthnutritionhints

Clomid can also cause a thinning of the endometrium, which is an unfavorable factor for embryo implantation. If the ultrasound identifies a thin endometrium, treatment with other drugs that stimulate ovulation may be applied.  smartdiethealth


When to take Clomid?

You need to take Clomid usually 1 tablet per day or 50mg for 5 days. Treatment usually starts on the 2-5 days of the cycle (first day of the cycle is the first day of bleeding). Now the drugs are always prescribed 2 days from the cycle.  healthfitnesschampion


How is the dose of Clomid regulated?

Women usually start with 50 mg per day for 5 days. If ovulation occurs, but pregnancy from the first cycle does not occur, then Clomid treatment can be repeated in the same dosage for 3-6 cycles. If ovulation does not occur during the initial dose, then the dose can be increased to 2 tablets for 5 days in the next cycle.

The use of Clomid, with an indicated dosage can only be repeated 3-6 cycles. The maximum dose of clomifen is 150 mg or 3 tablets per day for 5 days. In rare cases, they can be designated by 4 tablets or 200 mg per day.


How to determine ovulation?

There are several ways of determining ovulation. Most use other methods to determine basal temperature, endometrial biopsy, progesterone determination, or transvaginal ultrasound of the

follicles. Each of these methods has its benifit and drawbacks, and neither of these methods is not possible to reliably determine - whether ovulation has occurred.

When do they get a progesterone test?

Usually a blood test for progesterone is done within 7 days after the expected ovulation date. Women with a 28 day cycle will be for 21 days. Women with longer or shorter periods the best time to get a blood test for progesterone - generally in the 7 days before the next menstrual period starts.

Progesterone testing can be done on 5-7 days after the basal temperature jump or for 7-9 days after the color change of strips on home testers, or with ultrasound testimony.

If the day is scheduled for the test, falls on a Sunday or on vacation, then the test can be transferred to the previous or following days.


What does "good" progesterone test mean?

The progesterone level 10-15 or above is considered to be a satisfactory one. If the progesterone level is below, it may be necessary to increase the doses of clomifen or receive another drug to stimulate ovulation.


How is the likelihood of conceiving after using Clomid?

The chance of conceiving after using Clomid is 10-13% per treatment course depending on the age, the cause of infertility, the body's reaction to the treatment and other drugs that are used. This compares with 20-25% for women with normal fertility. The chance of conception increases to 30-60% after 6 cycles of clomifen.


What is the likelihood of multiple pregnancies after using Clomid?

About 5-10% of pregnancies that occur while using Clomid, end up in the birth of twins and less than 1% - the birth of 3 or more babies. This compares with 1.2% of twins born to women who do not take Clomid.


Does Clomid Cause Embryo Abnormalities?

Clomiphene has been used in the United States since 1967. To date Find Article, there is no evidence that Clomid increases the chance of birth of babies with abnormalities or affects children's development.

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