Cialis - the newest and strongest drug for increasing potency

How to use: Brand Cialis take 20-50 minutes before sexual intercourse. If used frequently the dosage can be reduced to 5 mg per day. nanobiztech


The action of drugs to restore an erection until recently acted only for some time: starting from a few hours and to days or a day and a half. Drugs that act longer period of time, allow a man, not AB5A = 5 ==>


Thanks to the innovative approach, the standards of treatment for impotence have changed all over the world. Now men, on a permanent basis, can restore natural sexual intercourse by taking the drug cialis 5 <3 daily. globalmarketingbusiness


An important advantage of treatment A80; 8A> <5mg is in full spontaneity of sexual intercourse. Man becomes completely calendar free. Taking the drug, the patient stops worrying about an unpleasant situation, which can happen in bed. Problems of lack of erection at the most crucial moment of his stop worrying, so physiologically comfort. By applying daily cialis 5mg the man has in the blood the concentration of the drug is constantly maintained. allinonetechs


The principle of operation


Cialis 5mg during sexual arousal promotes dilation of the blood vessels of the penis. With the consequence that the blood circulation in the male penis improved and more stable provides an erection.


Method of application


The cialis 5mg drug is a pill that is covered. Carry them must be whole, and drink plenty of fluids, water or tea. The intake of tablets does not depend on the consumption of food. Usually the doctor prescribes 1 tablet to be taken for 20 minutes before sexual intercourse. The effectiveness of this pill action is usually 36 hours. For men, who do not frequent sexual activity (less than twice a week) prescribe the drug at a dose of 20 g. It is suggest to consult your doctor first, and then buy cialis 20mg.




Cialis can not be applied if you are allergic to any of its components

If there are problems with the heart, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, angina pectoris, or heart attacks have occurred, the drug is contraindicated. leadmarketingbusiness

The pressure is unstable, it is also an indicator not to receive cialis

If a warp has been identified a member of the drug should refrain

Severe liver and kidney disease require more attention

Blood circulation, anemia, leukemia

Vision problems

The drug was not designed for women and children under the age of 18

Take it together with non nitrates

Side effects


The most frequent manifestation of side effects can serve headaches. Rarely happens to nasal congestion, back pain, eyes, dizziness. It can decrease blood pressure, start tachycardia. As for the digestive system, stomach pains occur more often. Sometimes the rash may appear on the skin.


It so happens that the erection maintained for 4 hours. In such cases, medical assistance is needed. Procrastination can cause tissue damage in the male member, and also lead to a loss of potency. technologycompanians


Cialis 5mg not only returns an erection, it also helps normalize erectile function in 60% of cases. Nervousness goes from the constant of the drug of partner relations. And now before having sex it doesn't become B> <8B5; L = K <waitingFree Articles, and translates to @ 0AA; 01; ONICNAO game.


Avoiding love for time and giving preference to spontaneity relationships - this is the main advantage of the drug Cialis 5mg. READ MORE: popbom


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